Saturday, September 20, 2008

"The Ninja 3" to possibly be pushed back?

Yes, I (Rocdar12) and ET27 have been discussing this matter for quite some time, but we still do not yet know what we should do. Our view counts keep going up, an so does our subscribers keep increasing! We really wanted "The Ninja 3" to be an easy project, but to be our greatest video in history, it just has to be hard. So the Wii sabers is what the problem is, they are taking so long to do. (Frame, by frame) To entertain you, I will be posting my progress in the long days of editing, so you know when it's completion is near (including pics, vids, and other such stuff).

Here's what's finished now:

Almost all of the movie is edited :D

185/4065 frames of Wii Sabers

Most music/special effects

What's left:

Rest of the frames of Wii Sabers

Wii Saber Sound Effects

Matching some audio with video (thanks to lsmaker)

Some other minor things... (credits, etc..)

Stay tuned to our blog for more updates!!!

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