Friday, July 17, 2009

Working on set, bad news, and more...

Hey all of you Rocdar12 fans out there (not that many). Anyways, if you haven't heard we've started to film MSM this past week. It's been fun and tiring working on set but we have some problems, things are taking longer to film than we originally thought, and some actors on set, think that they can blow off a movie by wining. The worse news is that Daniel (3rd most important person on set) won't be there the last week of filming (next week). IDK what we're gonna do. Pray that we'll be able to finish this movie on time and make it good!


Sunday, June 21, 2009

A name change, a push back, and a new logo/intro.

Well, it's been awhile, summer's been fun! We have loads of news though:

1. Rocdar12: The Musical doesn't excist anymore... We changed the name, as a result we made a new logo, So here you go!

2. We pushed MSM (Middle School Musical: 8th Grade Year) back into July. Not because I'm lazy, it's just because summer school (and the opportunity to film) was actually in July and not in June. Therefore the movie should be on Youtube in late July (if we're lucky) or (more than likely) August.

3. We got ourselves a brand new professional logo check it out below, or at the top of the page!

Oh and did we mention NEW LOGO = NEW INTRO!!!

Say goodbye to multicolors!

Until next time,

Sunday, April 19, 2009

New Videos, coming at ya!

Hey everybody, if you're still tuned into us, I thank you so much!  I haven't had time to sit down and write as many videos as I had before because my school asked me to write a type of skit that plays out through a talent show.  The good news is I finished that script and I'm currently finishing "Rocdar12:  The Musical" and I had just enough spare time to finish a short video for YouTube.  This video will be released on Wednesday, April 22nd.  That's also Earth Day!  So all you tree huggers enjoy our new video.

Oh and "Rocdar12:  The Musical" will be filmed during the month of June, and hopefully the editing will be done before July and released soon afterward.  We'll keep you updated here.  Thanks everyone for continuing to put up with our bad schedule.  :D
