Happy Monday Everyone!
If you haven't noticed already, then you must be new (If that's the case, WELCOME!). We just finished revamping our entire Blogspot as well as YouTube Channel. New logo -- very minimalist. Alex will be back in town next week on Spring Break and we plan to jump right back on the train with new videos. Any suggestions? Comments? Questions? We hope to be more regular with posts on the channel and here. Hopefully more vlog-type videos, and skits to come. A bright future lies ahead. Full speed ahead!
Monday, March 3, 2014
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
A Little Donation Goes a Long Way
Hey all you viewers out there. So I'm guessing you're probably wondering what I've been up to for most of 2013? This past summer I got the EXTREME privilege to march with The Cadets Drum and Bugle Corps. (If you're not sure who or what this is go ahead and YouTube/Google them). It's a great educational experience in which I expand my love for music and the performing arts; however, it costs an arm and a leg every season. I've provided a link to my GoFundMe account if you'd like to pitch in and help in any way shape or form. It is GREATLY appreciated! Thank you! See you in my next video!
Saturday, December 17, 2011
All Good Things Draw to a Close Eventually
Well it's been awhile since I've posted anything here on blogspot. Alex and myself have been lazy and super busy. Junior year really is amazing though and as we draw close to Christmas Day I thought we'd attempt to provide everyone with a few videos to end 2011. Our goal is 10, but I don't know how attainable that goal is. We will do our best!
On a different note, our High School experience will come to a close next year and with those memories and moments we will leave behind we'll also leave everyone with our biggest project yet. Until then, we'll provide you with as many videos as we can. Merry Christmas everyone!
Saturday, November 27, 2010
500 Subscribers and Our Return
Hey everyone, how's it going? We've been gone for quite some time with Marching Band, school, and too much HOMEWORK. But luckily, Christmas Break is coming up and Alex and I have a lot ideas and time on our hands. Some questions that might be answered in our future videos:
Are Rocky and Alex smarter than a squirrel?
Can Alex really shop for Christmas Presents?
Does Bigfoot have a Child?
Do you really know what being mugged means?
As you can see, we've got quite a few good ideas up our sleeve, keep tuned in to our channel for more.
Also, I'd like to personally thank all who have subscribed to my channel and are true fans. As of today, (I was just informed) we reached 500 Subscribers. Give yourself a pat on the back, it's been a long journey. (3 years actually).
In other news, MSM has been cancelled. It's just an experiment that just couldn't be finished, but we have learned a few things.
1. We can film a feature length video with a little more effort.
2. Things will never go the way you plan on set, always be prepared for anything.
3. Our lip singing, could use some work.
I hope no one is too terribly disappointed. We're on to bigger and better things now. The sky is the limit. We'll mess up time and time again, but one of these days we'll get something amazing. Thanks for sticking by us.
Monday, June 7, 2010
Summer Time - The return of WNL and BOPIIAC!
YES! School is out for the summer! Which means....PARTY TIME! Actually it just means more work for us here at Rocdar12 Productions. Here's our "to-do-list..."
To Do List
1. Finish MSM and Upload it.
2. Make all of the Videos we've had
on hold, thanks to #1.
3. Attend Marching Band EVERY
Wednesday of the Summer.
4. Pick up Bread.... (????)
That last one I'm not really sure about, but anyways. We've got some big news we'd love to share. (INSERT DRUM-ROLL HERE).

The one and only Wednesday Night Live is returning for the summer, with 2 episodes per month. That's a total of 6 Episodes during the Summer and it all Starts on June 16th. With new segments and a new layout, this year's WNL will surpass last year's by far. Look for it on my channel: www.youtube.com/rocdar12, on the night of June 16th.
Also, as we all know, But Our Princess Is In Another Castle (BOPIIAC), our all gaming podcast, has been off the web for quite some time. As of February 2010, G-cast (our hosting site) would no longer allow uploads. So we searched and searched for a new site. Finally we found one: PodcastMachine. We're finally releasing BOPIIAC's first Episode of 2010 on June 17th, following WNL and E3.

I hope that's enough new stuff for you guys. Enjoy your summer. Get a tan for me ;D. Look out for MSM leaks. ;) See ya on the 16th.
Monday, April 12, 2010
Middle School Musical Update!
Great News!!! Middle School Musical is well within the editing process and it's looking AMAZING! Except, the MSM logo is 4:3 and the movie was shot in 16:9 so I need to do a bit of remaking and fix that. Finally, the best news of all, the school is letting us back in to finish the film! I plan to finish it before the end of the summer and have it out for everyone to enjoy on YouTube. There's talks of a premiere party on the horizons! (but you didn't here that from me). Stay plugged in to Rocdar12 Productions cause we're just bursting at the seems with MSM content (and who knows when some of that will leak) ;)

Sunday, February 7, 2010
MSM Sneak Peek and Sweet Valentines
Well, it finally seems like we're back on some sort of sort of schedule. Yesterday we released a Middle School Musical: 8th Grade Year sneak peek of The Boys Are Back. (which you should check out by the way) And on that note, "Saving 2010" was a great success and many people loved it. I met with my new idea team (the same that came up with "Saving 2010") and we've created a new video idea for Valentine's Day, full of laughter and excitement. I'm writing it and filming it in time for Valentines 2011. Stay tuned for more and Happy Valentines Day. ;)
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
MSM Progress, "Saving 2010", and more to come...
Well it's been awhile. In the time we haven't spoken, my Marching Band won 2nd in the Nation (USSBA), I've had no time for videos except for the MSM Trailer (Impressive right?), I got a new widescreen HQ camera for Christmas, we filmed a New Year's Video (more details below), and my computer died 2 days ago. I believe I'm getting a new one with my old hard drive installed inside. Until then I can't post that New Year's video. But I can tell you what it's about.
The idea for the film originated from my friend, Stephanie. She also plays a big part in the film as well. The title of the film is "Saving 2010." Yes, it does involve a villian and two heroes, but you'll just have to wait and see the final product, hopefully coming soon!
Middle School Musical: 8th Grade Year is still under the heavy hot lamp of production (Nice metaphor eh?) We have a sneak peek planned to be released shortly after "Saving 2010". Even AWProductions likes it and he's no fan of HSM. We hope to finish up filming this spring and have it out for you (the viewers) by this summer.
Well, that's all for now. We'll have plenty videos this time around (as in 2010).
Until next time...
The idea for the film originated from my friend, Stephanie. She also plays a big part in the film as well. The title of the film is "Saving 2010." Yes, it does involve a villian and two heroes, but you'll just have to wait and see the final product, hopefully coming soon!
Middle School Musical: 8th Grade Year is still under the heavy hot lamp of production (Nice metaphor eh?) We have a sneak peek planned to be released shortly after "Saving 2010". Even AWProductions likes it and he's no fan of HSM. We hope to finish up filming this spring and have it out for you (the viewers) by this summer.
Well, that's all for now. We'll have plenty videos this time around (as in 2010).
Until next time...
Friday, July 17, 2009
Working on set, bad news, and more...
Hey all of you Rocdar12 fans out there (not that many). Anyways, if you haven't heard we've started to film MSM this past week. It's been fun and tiring working on set but we have some problems, things are taking longer to film than we originally thought, and some actors on set, think that they can blow off a movie by wining. The worse news is that Daniel (3rd most important person on set) won't be there the last week of filming (next week). IDK what we're gonna do. Pray that we'll be able to finish this movie on time and make it good!

Sunday, June 21, 2009
A name change, a push back, and a new logo/intro.
Well, it's been awhile, summer's been fun! We have loads of news though:

1. Rocdar12: The Musical doesn't excist anymore... We changed the name, as a result we made a new logo, So here you go!

2. We pushed MSM (Middle School Musical: 8th Grade Year) back into July. Not because I'm lazy, it's just because summer school (and the opportunity to film) was actually in July and not in June. Therefore the movie should be on Youtube in late July (if we're lucky) or (more than likely) August.
3. We got ourselves a brand new professional logo check it out below, or at the top of the page!

Oh and did we mention NEW LOGO = NEW INTRO!!!
Say goodbye to multicolors!
Until next time,
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